點選擇一件Product去做Marketing Plan??

2007-03-21 5:56 am

呢份算係畢業功課, 佔好重rate
Thank you so Much.

回答 (2)

2007-03-30 5:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The product you know more and have much interest, so that you can give more concrete and interesting ideas in marketing.

Or if you know someone who are working, consider one's product if he is willing to tell you more, and you will have more information than just as a consumer.

And the product should be well known by others, so that everyone has some interest and conncetion to it.

New products is also a good idea, as the lecturers may read many assignemnts for products which are too common or old, and it will be more difficult to get high scores.
2007-03-30 11:42 am
愈 Common 既 Product 就愈好做, 因為多野寫. 這是我既經驗

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