
2007-03-21 5:42 am
in我果個人叫我講下自己既強項和弱點(in English)

咁我應該點答好? 有冇d examples?

回答 (2)

2007-03-21 6:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
I consider myself to be a very competitive and ambitious person; I like challenges and also to experience new things. I am willing to learn and will do my best in everything to prove my abilities. However, I believe I am sometimes a little too competitive as I am wanting to prove I can do well in anything; therefore I regard this as a weakness.

You may alter anything to suit your own personal qualities as this may not be exactly what you were looking for.
2007-03-21 5:49 am
I am good at ... ...(繪畫) so i want to be a (畫家).
my ... is bad so I want to learn something about this .
參考: me

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