作文問題!急急~~題目係Bad Bat and the Sticky Pie write about 150-200

2007-03-21 5:30 am
Molly baked apie and put it on the side of her plate to let it cool. She left the room.In came Bad Bat. He ate the pie!This made Bad Bat happy, but made Molly very sad. It also made her mad.The next day, Molly made a sticky pie. She made the pie with three cups of cherry jelly,a full jar of white glue and a roll of clear tape.
When the pie was ready, Molly took it off the stove and put it on the side of the same plate as last time........

回答 (3)

2007-03-21 5:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Molly bak put it on the side of her plate to let it cool. She left the room.In came Bad Bat. He ate the pie!This made Bad Bat happy, but made Molly very sad. It also made her mad.The next day, Molly made a sticky pie. She made the pie with three cups of cherry jelly,a full jar of white glue and a roll of clear .
2007-03-23 3:52 am
你可以首段開場白 : 略略交帶點解香港要回歸先, 即係以前簽左借香港比英國99年果d


跟住香港既經濟有咩改變, 初初九七有金融風暴, 2000年有沙士, 但而家經濟股市復甦, 07年首日既股票突破自千禧年以來既紀錄, 香港市民呢個聖誕節既消費力冠全球

同埋你可以講呢個回歸十年意義重大, 因為香港人都進步左等等

如果你淨係講紀念或淨係講回歸, 就一句起兩句止, 冇咩好講架, 你試用我呢個寫作大鋼啦.

2007-03-21 5:38 am
I don't know what are you asking.
Do you want me to help you to finish the ending?
Hey, you lazy guy, you should do your
assignments by yourself !!

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