MSN緊急求救 SOS  唔該救救我!

2007-03-21 5:01 am
我o係前幾日更新左個MSN 跟住都入到 但係今(3月20日)唔知點解入唔番 一輪嘴陣左勁多野出黎 我以為冇用嫁啦 點知睇真d 佢話我個防火x防止了對我有害程序檔的行動 
應用程”識”:msnmsgr .........等等跟住佢比左方法我 但係我次次都唔睇
我個MSN係8.5 >< 有MSN Shell同埋MSN Plus 比人果d先進少少 我係唔係走火入魔?
同埋我應該點做? 唔該救救我!!! 好急 急用MSN

回答 (4)

2007-03-21 5:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Actually, you are not nessessary (no need) to worry, and you don't need to do anything.
It's just the signal if you have special needs, like programs fobiden in internet.

Just forget it. If it don't work, then delete it and download a new MSN (microsoft official website is OK --- )
2007-03-21 8:41 pm
一係就係msn plus出問題,試下刪左佢

2007-03-21 5:21 am
2007-03-21 5:04 am

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