F.4 phy about force and mption~~

2007-03-21 3:53 am
A force,F,normal to each wing,lifts up the aeroplane.Take the mass of the aeroplane as m kg.
Assume that the thickness of the wings of the aeroplane is uniform.If the aeroplane does not change its altitude and the same force F acts on each wing,what is the relationship between force F and the weight of the aeroplane ? Does the aeroplane fly with uniform velocity? Explain briefly.

回答 (2)

2007-03-21 7:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果只係當CE題目的話, 咁樣下面位兄弟就答啱啦, 但係如果我地係睇現實生活的話, 咁就重有好多野要補充.

首先就係機翼的角度, 因為機翼唔會係水平的, 所以個lifting force (即係你口中的F) 係會同機翼的角度有關的, 我想你也會知force 係要拆components 的.

其次就是就uniform velocity, 因為現實生活入面, 我地係唔可以neglect air resistance 架, 而個air resistance 就正正同個velocity 成正比, 即係velocity faster, air resistance faster, 所以呢, 如果真係要計, 咁就起碼要用second order 的 ordinary differential equation 來計啦.

就算我當個engine power output constant, air resistance constant, 但係係大自然入面都會有好多突發事情, 好似係風吹雨打咁, 所以係好難keep 一個constant velocity.

我呢一個答案係從別一個方向出發, 可能未必答到你個問題, 但係就肯定可以比到多d information 你reference
2007-03-21 4:56 am
If the force F is acting normally to each wing, then 2F are acting against the self weight of the aeroplane, i.e. mg where g is the gravitational acceleration. Therefore,
2F = mg

The plane will continue to fly in uniform velocity as long as there is no external force exerted on the plane horizontally.

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