急!! 辯論題..Strategic Management in NOT viable....Please help~

2007-03-21 3:08 am
Question is - Strategic Management is not a viable approach for hospitality organisation
pro & cons
做正方的話....有甚麼原因令到strategic management 係不可行呢?

回答 (2)

2007-03-21 7:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
In the mentioned strategic management, it is talking about the analysis, choice, and implementation of a strategy (a plan) for hospitality organisation.

To develop a hospitality organisation, it is talking about the meeting of competitive advantage. Under Michael Porter's five force model, it talks about entry barrier of the market, bargain power of buyer, rivalry within the industry, bargain power of supplier, and the subsititution of products and services.

So, to meet the target of the arguement, the follows may be concerned:
1. To meet the entry barrier of hospitality market, strategy (plan) may not help as it needs economic resources: land, labour and capital. But the supply of economic resources are not stable in nowadays. Planning does not ensure such supply.

2. To meet the bargain power of buyer, strategy (plan) may not help as buyer's behaviour is affected by newly changing poltiical, economic, social, and technology.

3. To meet the rivalry within the industry, strategy (plan) may not help as innovation is used in the competition. The old style planning may not meet the challenge of newly innovation.

4. To meet the bargain power of supplier, strategy (plan) may not help as e-commerce enable the greater power of supplier. The e-commerce lays off the wholesalers and make the channel with manufacturer and retailers directly. The cost of products or services is well controlled by suppliers.

5. To meet the subsitution of products and services, strategy (plan) may not help as global economic cause the greater effect of such subsitution. Planning does not control the effect of being subsituted.
2007-03-23 10:34 pm
The answer is yes. The key obstacles are the staff's mind set, especially those on the top causing tension in strategic management - changes according to the forces - in both the management and operation process. ;-)

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