
2007-03-21 3:02 am
請問 深水埗區 有咩學校校風同師資都ok
係for 新移民的插班生(中二 and 中三)

個插班生 係女仔 仲有成績一般 (唔讀私校)


考慮校風爲先 關於小女孩的前途 請各位幫幫手 提供多d 意見 同參考資料 萬2分感謝!!!~~~


有無人可以提供更多學校 感謝~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


有無人可以提供更多學校 感謝~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

回答 (2)

2007-03-21 3:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
假如你的成績不錯的話, 可以考慮英華書院(我讀呢間)(男校)

School Mission
According to the College Deed of 1821, the objective of Ying Wa College was the reciprocal cultivation of English and Chinese literature and the diffusion of Christianity. These aims remain today in the context of a very different world.

We are committed to a policy of providing a free and positive learning environment that students could develop into healthy and responsible citizens through a balanced educational programme which recognizes the needs of young people in all areas covering ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics.

It is our aspiration that our students will be

Willing to learn
Skillful to communicate
Eager to serve and contribute
Brave to show innovation and creativity
With the school motto: "Steadfast faith, beneficent deeds” we encourage our students to live a meaningful life.

School Premises & Class Structure
The school campus, originally situated in 1B Oxford Road, Kowloon Tong is moved to 1, Ying Wa Street, Shamshuipo, Kowloon from September 2003. It is a tailor-made Y2K design for 1200 students and is linking with Ying Wa Primary School to form 'One Through Train' not only in curriculum but also in building structure. The secondary school consists of two blocks of building.

The Hall, the Library, all the Laboratories, the special rooms and all classrooms are air-conditioned to provide comfortable places for studying. Today, it has approximately 1200 students, with five classes (about 40 students in each class) in each Form from Secondary I to Secondary V, and 3 classes (30 students per class) each in Secondary VI and VII.

Campus Map
Ying Wa College is adjacent to Nam Cheong Station of MTR. Two bus terminals are located nearby as shown in the map.

Medium of Instruction
English is the medium of instruction at all levels apart from classes in Chinese Language, Chinese Literature, Chinese History and some cultural subjects. There are also Putonghua lessons for Secondary I to Secondary III classes (S.4 & S.5 students may choose it as an option). To promote more interest in Putonghua, two classes in Secondary I, II and III use Putonghua as medium of instruction in Chinese Language lessons.
Address: 1, Ying Wa Street, Shamshuipo, Kowloon.
e-mail: ywc-mail@hkedcity.net
Tel: 2336-8838
Fax: 2336-1920

2007-03-29 18:40:27 補充:
2007-03-21 4:28 am
太高banding 的未必會收。
band 1 尾 可考慮聖瑪加利男女英文中小學 www.smcesps.edu.hk
band 3 聖公會聖馬利亞堂莫慶堯中學

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