
2007-03-21 2:36 am

Josephine 與daddy 關係不好,17年來只見過一次,她認為他很衰~因為他在Josie mammy 懷孕時離開了她.。
Josephine 在學校與同學有錢女Carly 鬧交.
josie 更打到Carly 受傷..Carly daddy 知道左之後就怒責Josie.

突然之間,Josie 想起她的父親Michael .
因為她的父親是一位律師 , 她認為事情有解決的方法,因為她認為michael 可以公正署理這件事。

所以Josie 就請求Michael 幫她和到學校一走。
結果Michael 來了..
還把事情弄得妥當,連修女老師都對Josie 說了一些安慰的說話.
而且,Carly 的daddy 最後更沒有打算告她/要求賠償。

Josie 回家途中 .開始對daddy Michael 的所作所為有好感。

回答 (3)

2007-03-21 2:40 am
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[ English ]
The schoolwork extension makes English. Anxious anxious anxious ~10 minute

Josephine and the daddy relations not good for,17 years have only seen, she thought he fades very much ~ because he is pregnant when Josie mammy left she .
Josephine in school and schoolmate rich female Carly noisy junction
After josie projects on Carly to be injured. Carly daddy knows left on angry responsibility Josie.
Must entreat her..

Suddenly between, Josie remembers her father Michael.
Because her father is a attorney, she thought the matter has the solution the method, because she thought michael may fairly hold as acting appointment this matter.

Therefore Josie requested Michael helps her and as soon as walks to the school.
Finally Michael has come..
Also makes the matter appropriately, all said including nun teachers to Josie some comforts speaks
Moreover, Carly daddy finally does not have the plan to consider her/request compensation.

Josie goes home on the way Starts to have the favorable impression to the daddy Michael actions.

The Josephine on the one hand line on the other hand thought that, "just really very accidental, I had not thought Michael could be so fierce, causes this matter, moreover I also obtained other people's approvals and the comfort.
Once, I really thought daddy had not been does not have the influence to me, thinks. Because of this, his procedure ~ makes me to have a new look, makes I saw 佢 merit. Slowly may accept me 佢. Actually I detected oneself good likes this kind of feeling, this kind has daddy the feeling.
I thought oneself already started really to 佢 not again to dislike ~ not to be repugnant! Many thanks "

He can then go home.

Thanks alot! ! ! ! Thank! ! ! ! ! ! Supplements the time: 2007-03-20 18
2007-03-21 4:56 am
雖然譯得唔係好好, 但希望可以幫到你啦! :-)

Josephine 與daddy 關係不好,17年來只見過一次,她認為他很衰~
因為他在Josie mammy 懷孕時離開了她.。
-> Josephine has only met her daddy once since she was born. The relationahip between Josephine and her daddy is not good as she thought that her daddy had left her mother when she was a pregnant.

有一次.Josephine 在學校與同學有錢女Carly 鬧交.josie 更打到Carly 受傷..
Carly daddy 知道左之後就怒責Josie.更要求告她..
-> One day, Josephine had a quarrel with a rich girl who is called Carly. Then, Carly was injured as they had a fight. When Carly's daddy heard of it, he was very angry so that he accused Josephine of injuring her daughter.

突然之間,Josie 想起她的父親Michael .因為她的父親是一位律師,
她認為事情有解決的方法,因為她認為michael 可以公正署理這件事。
-> Suddenly, Josephine thought of her father Michael because he was a lawer. She believed that Michael could fairly help her to solve the problem.

所以Josie 就請求Michael 幫她和到學校一走。結果Michael 來了..
還把事情弄得妥當, 連修女老師都對Josie 說了一些安慰的說話.
而且,Carly 的daddy 最後更沒有打算告她/要求賠償。
-> Therefore, Josephine requested Michael to go to school with her. Then, Michael came and the matter was solved properly. Because of her father's help, the Sister also gave her a comfort. Moreover, Carly's father gave up accusing Josephine of injuring her daughter.

Josie 回家途中 .開始對daddy Michael 的所作所為有好感。
Josephine 邊行邊心想 :" 剛剛真的很意外,我沒想過Michael 會如此厲害,
-> On her way, Josephine thought the matter again and again. She started to accept her father because he helped her to solve the problem. She thought " It is unbelievable! I have never thought he is so smart. He helped me to solve the problem and I get the comfort and identification from other people that really make me very happy."

曾經,我真的認為沒有了daddy 是對我沒有影響的,想不到..因為今次,他的做法~令我改觀,令我看見了佢的優點..令我慢慢可以接受佢..其實我發覺自己好喜歡這種感覺,這種有daddy 的感覺。
-> For me, father is not really important. But now, he changed my mind and I find his benefits so that I can accapt him. Actually, I like this feeling very much because I have a father who can bring me lots of care and love.

->I found I have already accepted him as there is no more hate and dislike! Although my father ever left me, I would like to say "Thank you".

->Finally, Michael went home with Josephine together.
參考: 自己
2007-03-21 3:11 am
The relationship of Josephine and her daddy is not good. She just saw her once in the past seventeen years. Her father left her mother when her mother was pragnant.

One day, Josepine argued with her classmate, Carly, who is a rich lady. Josie hurt Carly too. When Carly's father knew that, he scold Josie and want to lodge an accusation against her.

Suddenly, Josie thought of her father, Michael since her father is a lawyer. She thought that this matter must be able to solve because she thought that Michael can solve this matter fairly.

So, Josie asked Michael to help her and come to her school. Michael came and solved this matter properly. The sister and teacher comforted Josie. Carly's father didn't lodge an accusation against her or request any compensation.

On the way home, Josie started to like her father, Michael. Josephine thought during the way home, ' It was so surprise. I never think that Michael is so great. He solved the problem. I also get comfort and identification from others.

Once, I think that there is no difference even though I don't have a father. But now, the things he did makes me change what I think. I see his strength. I can start to accept him. I like the feeling of having a father. I think that I didn't have negative feeling from my father. I don't hate him now. Thanks.'

He will be back home.

2007-03-20 19:12:46 補充:
Correction:The relationship of Josephine and her daddy is not good. She just saw him once in the past seventeen years. Her father left her mother when her mother was pragnant.

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