which can show that Hong Kong has been a British colony

2007-03-21 1:19 am
about the following aspects :

1. Building ( any colonial buildings ? Where are they ? When were they built ? What are their former use and present use ?)

2. Lauguage ( That is / are the official langusge ( s ) of Hong Kong during the colonial period ? Is it / Are they still the official langusga of Hong Kong ?

3.Stamps ( What is so special of the stamps issued during the colonial period ? How are they different from yhe stamps issued nowaday ? )


4.Currency(How are the coinsand the paper money issued during the colonial period difference from those issued nowadays?) 5.Education(How was the education system during the colonial period different from the eductcation system now ? )

回答 (1)

2007-03-21 5:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 禮賓府(即舊港督府)
2. English was and still is the official language
3. There were usually portraits of the ruling King or Queen on the stamps
4. As the stamps, there were portraits of the ruling King or Queen on the coins, but not on any bank notes
5. More or less the same, only that less gweilo teachers are here nowadays and the crowns are deleted from the badges of some government schools.

收錄日期: 2021-05-02 20:41:45
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