可以幫我看一下這封email ok嘛, urgent的, thank you!!!!!

2007-03-21 12:54 am
Thank you for your time to visit our office. We've much expense for making different kind of paper product such as paper box, rigid box, round box, gift bag, greeting cards... also we can provide our own design for your choice. Normally I'm stay at Hong Kong and Wendy is stay at China. If you have time, We're sincerely to invite you to visit our factory, we can introduce our production process

sorry......執左少少, 希望明白吧~很urgent的, thanks 多謝你抽空到訪我們公司. 我們公司有很多用紙做的製品的經驗, 例如: 紙盒.................等等, 同時我們也可以根據客人自己的設計去做. 通常我會在香港的office而wendy會在大陸office. 如果你有時間的話, 我們誠意邀請你參觀我們在大陸的製造廠, 到時我們介紹給你我們的生產流程。


我想翻譯. 謝謝

回答 (6)

2007-03-22 7:04 am
✔ 最佳答案

Thank you for spending time to visit our office.
We are rich in experience in manufacturing different kinds of paper products,
such as paper boxes, rigid boxes, round boxes, gift bags, greeting cards and so on.
We can provide our own designs for your choices. Besides we can also follow the designs provided by our clients to make the products.
我們可以提供我們的設計,給你選擇,此外, 也可以根據客人自己提供的設計去生產。
Usually I stay in our office in Hong Kong and Wendy stays in our office in Mainland China.
If you are available, it is our pleasure if you would visit our factory in Mainland China. We will introduce our productive process to you then.
如果你有時間的話, 我們誠意邀請你參觀我們在大陸的製造廠, 到時我們介紹給你我們的生產流程。
2007-03-21 2:19 am
謝謝你的時間參觀我們的辦公室。 我們為製作不同類型的紙產品 , 像是紙盒子,硬的盒子,回合盒子,禮物袋子,賀卡有很多的費用。 {我們有很多的費用對於製作不同類型的紙產品 , 像是紙盒子,硬的盒子,回合盒子,禮物袋子,賀卡。 / 我們有製造不同類型的紙產品 , 像是紙盒子 , 硬的盒子很多的費用,把盒子弄圓,賦予袋子,賀卡。 / 我們有製造不同類型的紙產品 , 像是紙盒子,硬的盒子很多的費用,回合入盒中,禮物袋子,賀卡。} 。。 我們也能提供我們自己的設計給你的選擇。 通常我在香港是停留,而且溫蒂在中國是停留。 如果你有時間,我們誠摯地將邀請你參觀我們的工廠,我們能介紹我們的生產程序 {如果你有時間,我們誠摯地是邀請你參觀我們的工廠,我們能介紹我們的生產程序} Thank you for your time to visit our office. We've much expense for making different kind of paper product such as paper box, rigid box, round box, gift bag, greeting cards... also we can provide our own design for your choice. Normally I'm stay at Hong Kong and Wendy is stay at China. If you have time, We're sincerely to invite you to visit our factory, we can introduce our production process

Thank you for taking time to visit our company. {Thank you for taking time to and visiting our company.} Our company contain a lot of experience of the wares that do with the paper, for example: {Our company contain a lot of experience of the wares done with the paper, for example:} Paper box.................Etc., we in the meantime can also according to guest by himself[herself] of the design do.Usually I can would be in mainland office in the office and wendy of Hong Kong. { Usually I would in the office and wendy of Hong Kong would the office in mainland.} If you have horary words, our sincerity invites you to visit our manufactory in mainland, we introduce our production process to you by that time. {If if you have time, our sincerity invites you to visit our manufactory in mainland, we introduce our production process to you by that time.}
多謝你抽空到訪我們公司. 我們公司有很多用紙做的製品的經驗, 例如: 紙盒.................等等, 同時我們也可以根據客人自己的設計去做. 通常我會在香港的office而wendy會在大陸office. 如果你有時間的話, 我們誠意邀請你參觀我們在大陸的製造廠, 到時我們介紹給你我們的生產流程。
2007-03-21 1:26 am

多謝你抽時間到訪我寫字樓, 我們對製造各種紙類產品非常有經驗, 如紙盒, 硬卡紙盒, 禮物紙袋, 賀卡 等等, 我們亦可提供自己設計的產品給你參考選擇, 我平常駐香港而wendy留在大陸, 我們誠意邀請你到我們工廠參觀, 我們可向你介紹工廠的生產過程.
2007-03-21 1:16 am
Thank you for spending time to visit our office. We've many experiences for making different kinds of paper products such as paper box, rigid box, round box, gift bag, greeting cards... also we can provide our own design to fit you. Normally I'm stay in Hong Kong and Wendy is stay in China. If you are free, we're sincerely to invite you to visit our factory, we can introduce our production process more detail.
2007-03-21 1:01 am
Thank you for your time spent on visiting our office. We own much resources for making different kinds of paper products such as paper box, rigid box, round box, gift bag, greeting cards, etc. In addition, we can provide you with our own design for your better choice. I am normally staying at Hong Kong while Wendy is staying in China. If you have some time, we would like to invite you to visit our factory so that we can introduce our production process to you.
2007-03-21 12:58 am
I have read. So what do you want to ask?

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