color or colour

2007-03-20 11:15 pm

回答 (5)

2007-03-21 1:12 am
(Color) is the american spelling
(Colour) is the british way of writing
But both is actually correct!
參考: 自己 :P :)
2007-03-20 11:43 pm
color 係美式串法
colour 係美式串法


glamor / glamour (魅力)
harbor / harbour (港灣)
labor / labour (勞工)
rumor / rumour (謠言)
splendor / splendour (壯麗)
tumor / tumour (腫瘤)

2007-03-21 00:22:57 補充:
color 係美式串法colour 係英式串法(唔好意思, 打錯字! ^^)
2007-03-20 11:30 pm
Color 是美式的串字法, 而 Colour 是英式的串字法.
在港英政府時期的香港接受英式教育, 所以多數用 colour 的串法.
但現在很多人貪方便易記, 大多用 color 了.
其實 兩種串法都是對的.
2007-03-20 11:20 pm
color : US

colour :UK
2007-03-20 11:20 pm
both color & colour have the same meaning but the only difference is that
color = american spelling
colour = british spelling

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