
2007-03-20 10:08 pm
好慘!剛俾完錢買機票,點知突然有事要改日子出發,張票寫明唔改得,我而家好擔心!!我個Travel Agent 話試下幫我!有無人有類似事件?

回答 (3)

2007-03-21 1:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
如你買特價飛, 都應該可補手續費改日子出發的. 但小心 D 無良 agent. 係唔係都話要罰 $$, 其實佢地自己收喎. 因機票有 D 係出發前唔使罰錢都可以改的. 如你有機票在手, 應該自行去航空公司 check la.
2007-03-20 10:18 pm
其實好多時都有機會轉到日子, 只不過可能要給行政上的手續費, 應該都唔會有問題, 因為你張機票未用過ma. 不用擔心啦.
參考: own exp
2007-03-20 10:13 pm
Normally they do have a penalty if you need to change the date of departure.
However if the ticket really stated that it won't be changed of the departure date then it's really really depends on the relationship your agent with the airlines

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