攝影新手~~~請問Canon G7 及400D作比較????

2007-03-20 6:02 pm
我好有興趣學攝影,但一路以來真玩過傻機,我有一部sony t9,

回答 (4)

2007-03-20 6:09 pm
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朋友們話呢2部更好, your friends are correct !!!!, but LX2 is a very special
proconsumer just for extra wide angle LEICA lens capture :) !!!
400D's specification
G7 's specification
and for 有興趣學攝影 ... no brainer, you need 400D ...
400D is a real DSLR, and it can do very cool things if you
know SLR or real photography skill...
G7 is a flagship proconsumer, and you cannot change lens ...
no way you can compare it with a DSLR that you can use all
the lens from Canon/Tamron/Sigma/Tokina with ef or ef-s mount ...
手動既相機, only 400D ... G7 just have a manual mode ... :)
the sensor is completely different ... and the autofocusing system in 400D
is very very nice ...
An 400D example with a macro lens :)
2007-03-21 4:02 am
如果講好當然是400D ,雖然400D 比較大,但好在感光元件比較大,使雜訊比較少一點(相中的紅紅綠綠點),加上可以因不同環境去更換鏡頭,如影景,我們可以換上廣角鏡,如果我們想影遠野,我們可以換上遠攝鏡,加上400D 的感光元件比較大,景深都會明顯D ,加上400D 是有自動除塵功能,換鏡時不用怕入塵之後影到D 相一點點,我自己都是CANON 用家,本人用30D ,當你試過35MM 和27MM 之後便覺得一般DC的35-38MM 鏡影景是不夠的http://us.f2.yahoofs.com/hkblog/echJD32eER7Nbqs_t7l2kW1mTw--/blog/20070318091904507.jpg?ibAccAGBhwIvWIjv
so 400D 在功能上是好過G7 的
2007-03-20 8:24 pm
I'm using G7 and S60 at the moment.

Previously, I did want to buy a Nikon D200. However, finally I decided to buy the G7.

I've using SLR camera for many years. In occusion, I'll bring the SLR camera for outing or taking some special photos.

For my personal comment, nowadays, the compact size Digital Camera did have the similar performance (photo taking only) compare with DSLR camera.
Those top of the line model can provide up to 10.0 M pixel as well as 28mm to 200mm wide angle. It is very very convenience compare with SLR and DSLR.

For DSLR and SLR camera, some special features cannot be altered by compact DC. Like the deep of field and some special designed lens etc. Also, the combination of different setting when taking photos is different.

For my suggestion, you may go to the show room to try those cameras first. If your budget is OK, the 400D is good. And believe at the beginning, you only need to kid set as well as a Speedlite Flash for the camera. After you have deeper understanding, you may try to equipment some other high performance lens and filters for special photo taking etc.

Wish you can find the right thing.
2007-03-20 6:50 pm
功能上當然係 400D 勁好多 (我都儲緊$$買 >_< )

用DSLR唔同你用T9,T9乜都auto,但DSLR除左auto仲 S,A,M 等 mode。

我用緊的係SONY DSC-F828 我估同 G7 差唔多咁用法。
佢都有 S,A,M 等 mode


(我係SONY Alpha 同CANON 400D 就爭扎左好耐 >_<)

總括來說 G7 花費少 400D 花費大但可作長線投資
400D 要求技巧知識多d G7相對地簡單一D
400D 打理會比 G7 繁複一點。



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