模擬市民2: 怎樣才可以變做疆屍呢?

2007-03-20 12:14 pm
p.s. 唔係吸血鬼!! 係疆屍!!

回答 (3)

2007-03-20 2:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
參考: me
2007-03-20 2:28 pm
Q. How do I make a zombie?
A. Zombies require the Resurrect-O-Nomitron, a reward object from the new Paranormal career in University, given at level 5. Use the Resurrect-O-Nomitron to call the Grim Reaper and pay him 987-4,127 Simoleans. Only Sims that have died may be resurrected. A tombstone must exist on the lot or another lot in the same neighborhood.

Q. Can children, toddlers, or babies become zombies?
A. No, only Teens, Young Adults, Adults, and Elders may become zombies.

Q. How do I bring my dearly departed Sim completely back to life?
A. Resurrection requires the Resurrect-O-Nomitron, a reward object from the new Paranormal career in University, given at level 5. Use the Resurrect-O-Nomitron to call the Grim Reaper and pay him 8,513 Simoleans. Only Sims that have died may be resurrected. A tombstone must exist on the lot or another lot in the same neighborhood.

簡譯: 你要做”paranoraml”既職業, 進昇到第5級, 你就會得到個工具. 用佢你可以打電話比死神. 比 由 987 至 4127 既金額佢 , 佢就會幫你復活一個已死既模擬市民做疆屍. 死左既市民一定要有墓

P.S. 上面果個好離譜.....
2007-03-20 1:09 pm
外國科學家已證實自古到今跟本沒有疆屍, 也沒可能將人改變做疆屍, 有人傳言見過疆屍和電影中所說的都是娛樂性. 我只知有一種人疆屍是日夜不睡, 導致缺氧和血壓低, 臉變白和行路飄下飄下,我們稱之為疆屍. 

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