lcci 與中五會計學問題?

2007-03-20 8:13 am
我想問下如果係hkcee會計拿到d grade 的話,即係等於lcci邊一個level?
如果我想報lcci應該由邊個 level報起?
因為我係讀中文的, 用不用再報讀d咩?

回答 (2)

2007-03-21 1:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
lcci 咩level都是英文考
至於,你話,hkcee會計拿到d grade 的話,即係等於lcci邊一個level

之前就話level 2

因為過往同lcci d 科程差不多
可能計你level 1

LCCI 初級考試範圍 (syllabus):
The Accounting Equation and the basis of double –entry book-keeping
Recording transactions through double-entry
Balancing accounts
Purchases/Sales/Retu rns
The Ledger:its sub-division
Day Books
Bank facilities/methods of payment or receipt of money
Cash Book and cash discount
Bank reconciliation
Petty Cash Book and the Imprest System
Trial Balance
Adjusting for accruals and prepayments
Depreciation of fixed assets
Bad debts and provision for doubtful debts
The Journal
Capital and revenue expenditure
Errors in the accounts
Effect of profit(or loss) and drawings upon capital
Trading and Profit and loss Accounts
The Balance Sheet
Club and society accounts
LCCI Level 2
Ledgers and Final Accounts
Depreciation /Disposal of fixed assets
Bad Debts / Bad Debts Recovered
Provision for bad debts / Stock Valuation
Manufacturing Account / Non-trading Organisation
Control Accounts
Bills of Exchange / Consignment Accounts
Incomplete Records
Correction of errors & Suspense Accounts
Branch Accounts
Accounting Ratios
-Capital Accounts & Current Accounts
-Preparation of Final Accounts
-Admission and Retirement of Partners
-Goodwill / Revaluation / Dissolution
Limited Liability Companies
-Issue of Shares and Debentures
-Preparation of Final Accounts / Published Accounts

LCCI Level 3
- Capital Account & Current Account
- Preparation of Final Accounts
- Admission and Retirement of Parnters
- Goodwill / Revaluation
- Dissolution
Joint Venture Accounts
Branch Accounts
Investment Account
Accounting Ratios
Limited Liability Companies
- Issue of Shares and Debentures
- Redemption of Prefences Shares & Purchase of Ordinary Shares
- Preparation of Final Accounts
- Published Accounts
- Acquisition of Sole Trader or Parntership Business
- Distributable Profits
Group Accounts
- Consolidated Balance Sheet
- Consolidated Profit & Loss Account
Statment of Standard Accounting Practice
- Accounting Policies
- Stock and Long-term Contracts
- Tangible Fixed Assets
Cash Flows Statments
Financial Budgeting
- Cash Budgeting

至於,lcci 的考試範圍如上

如果會考同level 2同比

因為lcci 都是英文




如果我想報lcci應該由邊個 level報起?
d老闆多數看level 2以上
最基本讀level 2

LCCI Internatio nal Qualifications 倫敦工商會考試
香港辦事處地址:灣仔 軒尼詩道288號 英皇集團中心 11樓 1105室
電話:(852) 3102 0100 電郵:[email protected] 網址:http://www.lcciasia. com辦公時間:星期一至五,早上九時至下午六時。星期六、日及假期休息。
2007-03-20 8:44 am
如果你只讀過hkcee課程,最多可以考到level 1
level 2要學多幾課 ce冇既野(可以問下你學校miss有冇level 2既課文/自己出去學)
我建議你學埋果幾課,一次過考高level d既
eg你考到level 3,有level 3既資格,level 1同2你都唔駛再考

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