If there was one thing in this world you could have...?

2007-03-20 4:35 am
what would it be?

i would have to say I want true love. I want to find someone who loves me for who i really am.

回答 (31)

2007-03-20 4:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
now, i could say im having the best love in the world with my husband and my two kids...what i dreaming now is i wish i could have much money, and that my husband and i would not worry of our kids' future.and of course, i wanted to treat my family and my parents, most especially, to a grand world vacation tour..haaaayyy....
2007-03-20 4:37 am
2007-03-20 4:37 am
a sober father for my son.....
2007-03-20 4:45 am
Right now, at this very second, the first thing that comes to mind is a President and his Admin., that know what the hell they're doing......
2007-03-20 4:43 am
My love to be "the one"
2007-03-20 4:43 am
Financial independence.
2007-03-20 4:41 am
I like your answer!
2007-03-20 4:41 am
Okay, I already have true love- so I guess it's a toss-up between the ability to spontaneously orgasm and a million dollars.
2007-03-20 4:40 am
No question. Money.

No. It doesn't bring you happiness, but it sure as hell gives you the power to choose....

Love is the most powerful antidote and cure all. But money is important. Fortunately I have love, but I want money. So I guess I want both simutaneously.

It's like asking me whether I want my arm or my leg...I want both not either or.

2007-03-20 4:40 am
You will find your true love just be patient and it will come to you. I would want the knowledge and strength to change help change the world.
2007-03-20 4:40 am
I have already found true love but having a beautiful home in the country would be so nice. I love my home but I would like to have a new one.
2007-03-20 4:40 am
Love is paramount. But freedom is mandatory.
Health is all important. Wealth makes all of it very nice.
Jesus is the ultimate though.
I Cr 13;8a
2007-03-20 4:39 am
I would want true love too. I'm young..but I yearn for someone elses love. I want to find someone I can be around all the time, someone who will make me ecstatic when I'm down..someone who loves me for me. Someone who will lend me a shoulder to cry on. Someone who wants to show me off to the world when I'm in my sweats. Someone who doesn't treat me differently when around his friends. I am still waiting for that person....Does true love exist?
2007-03-20 4:39 am
My family !!!
2007-03-20 4:39 am
a great relationship some one to shaire my life with.......
2007-03-20 4:39 am
I would want my mom back, she passed away from cancer when I was 17.
2007-03-20 4:39 am
True love is nice but nothing lasts forever. I would like permanence. That would amount to having enough money to see me through my lifetime. Love comes and goes, but financial independence is freedom.
2007-03-20 4:39 am
Hmm... Good question. I would want the instant ability to know every language known to man. That would be neat. And as much as I hate to say it, a billion dollars wouldn't be so bad either. :)

2007-03-20 4:38 am
I would say the exact same thing, I want that person that accepts me for who I really am and loves me no matter what. I have found her, I just need to be with her so I can show her how much she means to me.
2007-03-20 4:38 am
My dad, because he die for me at the age of one.
2007-03-20 4:38 am
My soul mate.
2007-03-20 4:38 am
I'd love to have the 8th sense.
2007-03-20 4:38 am
True love
2007-03-20 4:38 am
That is a true statment me too!
2007-03-20 4:38 am
i want a mercedes and a good man.
2007-03-20 4:37 am
money, a mansion, and a beautiful inground pool!

I know this sounds shallow- but I am so tired of being poor!
2007-03-20 4:37 am
true happiness. (love falls into that category)
2007-03-20 4:37 am
for my husband to appreciate me.
2007-03-20 4:37 am
yup...true love.
no abortions.
2007-03-20 4:37 am
True Love probably but not right now.. right now i want millions of dollars
2007-03-20 4:37 am
A trillion dollars!$!$!$!$$!$!$!$!$!!$
參考: knowledge

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