Did the pet food recall scare the life out of you?

2007-03-19 10:39 am
I felt sick to my stomach when I heard the news.

回答 (12)

2007-03-19 5:14 pm
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Yes it did. I have a 9 yr old Shitzu & he is not well. Don't know what to feed him as he has been on Nutros Nat. Choice.
He does have a touchy stomach, so may be nothing.
2007-03-19 5:45 pm
it scared the hell out of me, since my cat is sick. I am bring her to my vet tm
2007-03-19 5:43 pm
it's sad that animals were dying, but i don't buy those brands of food.
2007-03-19 5:46 pm
It did scare me yes, but I did my research and thankfully my cat has not eaten any of that food. What is bothering me even more is they continue to add different types of food. Where I live there are 4 cats in the hospital for this. Bad enough we have to worry what we eat, now we have to worry if what we are feeding our pets is going to kill them or not.
2007-03-19 10:05 pm
Yes it did and the list was long wonder what food is the safest?
2007-03-19 7:00 pm
that and went running to my cabinet b/c I do feed treats; I don't have any on the list for food but I do have authority mini dog treats etc ; I am not taking a chance ; just throwing it out b/c I put them into a goody jar and throw the packaging out; another corporate greed , cut corners, poor quality control; lack of government intervention b/c they are too busy fighting over republican/democrat firings ; reality check is needed on real issues
2007-03-19 6:44 pm
Scared me to, i look right away...
2007-03-19 6:34 pm
Pets get sick and die all the time from being fed low quality foods, including iams science diet and nutro (all low quality). I wasn't the least surprised. If you want your animal to live, research a good diet.
Just think, most food related deaths in companion animals go under the radar every day. The food isn't recalled for having carcinogens or anything like that. The only reason it was recalled this time is because the deaths were linked to the food and in the public eye. If the owners hadn't complained about it, the food would have stayed on the shelves.
2007-03-19 6:12 pm
doesn't bother me as we don't use that food
2007-03-19 5:42 pm
i didn't even know that there was a pet food recall
2007-03-19 5:42 pm
Nope, I didn't eat any.
2007-03-19 6:13 pm
It sounds horrible! I've only briefly heard about it though. Imagine if it was your pet who died!?!

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