Will my cats be depressed? Bf just broke up with me and I have to move out with them?

2007-03-19 9:01 am
We have had the cats since they were 2 months old. We have broken up and I am moving out and taking them with me. Will they be really sad or will they get over it fairly quickly?

回答 (8)

2007-03-19 9:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
A death in the family (either human or animal), a divorce, or even 1 of the kids going off to college or getting married can cause your cat to become depressed.

How can U tell? You’ll see it in her eyes. They’ll sadly ask U, “Hey, what’s going on here?” If you’ve always paid attention to your cat’s normal behavior, you’ll be right on top of it when it suddenly changes. This includes her appetite. If U know your cat is healthy physically, but she suddenly stops eating, she may be depressed. You’ll see it in her lethargic behavior. She’ll be sleeping a lot more, and in general just ‘hanging around’. You’ll even notice that a depressed cat does less grooming. She just stops caring how she looks – even when company is coming over! Basically, a depressed cat’s behavior changes. A sweet, loving, friendly cat may become aggressive or withdrawn. Depression is a very upsetting feeling for your cat. A depressed cat needs lots of ‘TLC’ from U. Unfortunately. U might be feeling as depressed as she is - & U forget that snuggling with her on your lap will make U feel better, too. Neglecting a cat that’s depressed will only make her more depressed. & Neglect is the # 1 cause of depression in cats. Neglecting a cat that isn’t depressed will cause depression.

參考: web
2007-03-19 4:06 pm
If they're used to you and you've done everything for them, they should be fine. They may go through a grieving process but they would probably do that if they were to leave you too. They will settle, just make sure you have things around that are familiar to them such as toys, scratch post etc. Move those in if you can before the kitties move in so that their scent gets around the house.
2007-03-19 6:04 pm
As long as they are with you they'll be fine. They'll miss him and theri home for a while, but they will adjust.
2007-03-19 5:59 pm
i think if you moving out with both (all) of them , they should be OK.

If they are seperated, then that might be a problem
2007-03-19 5:37 pm
Keep them happy, they will be fine.
2007-03-19 5:09 pm
Cats are amazing. All they need is food and a place to sleep. Occasionally they might tell you that want affection. Mine Meow at me in the morning and get petted then they are off mouse hunting for the day.

If your BF ain't giving a f#*k about them they sure won't miss him.

Get a new BF who cares about you . . . meanwhile enjoy the company of your feline friends . . .
2007-03-19 4:39 pm
Since you will be with them, they may get ver the drastic change in living arrangments fairly quickly. Just make sure that they have plenty of peace and quiet in the new place and all their comfort things: food bowls, toys, favorite blankets, etc.
So sorry that you guys broke up - but at least you get to keep the cats!
2007-03-19 4:13 pm
well my boyfriend had 2 cats, had them both from when they were kittens. his father died in november and a month later we moved out together. he left one cat at home with his mom and brought the other with us. they both suffered from depression. the one he left at home, hid all day and only came out to eat and use the litter box - he would also come out when the boys came home. the cat we brought with us (he used to sleep in the hospital bed with his dad before he died) when we brought him with us we brought his favorite toy, that his dad had made for him. he would meow so loud and drag his toy around with him everywhere. it's been 3 months now and they both are starting to come around now - every once in a while the cat at our house will go through his bed time fits, and the other cat will have his sad days - but yes they will go through depression

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