
2007-03-20 7:49 am

這其實是一段真人真事,英國女性潘靈卓(Jackie Pullinger)早年來到九龍城寨,從事戒毒和青少年的社關工作,及後於1981年成立聖士提反會,致力協辦多項社會福利計劃。

回答 (4)

2007-03-21 6:42 am
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Do you know what is the meaning of "chase the dragon"? It is in a dark bedroom, holding a candle with the left hand and a piece of aluminium paper in the right hand, chasing the the poisonous snaky smoke released from heroin, in order to pursue a moment of comfort and happiness. While burning the herion, they are also burning their lives simultaneously, until it dissipates like dust flowing off to the air.

The drama is called "Chase the Dragon", which is about the tale of a lady from Britain who came to Hong Kong alone in the year 1966. In this ungoverned, forsaken land of Kowloon Wall City, she started the legend of her life, which is to help the drug addicts abstaining from narcotics and reverting to a normal life in the society.

This story, in actual fact, is a real story. Ms Jackie Pullinger, a Britain lady, came to the Kowloon Wall City in Hong Kong in the early years to devote herself in volutary works towards drug addiction and adolescent problems. Then in 1981, she established the St. Stephan's Church which is committed to organise multiple varieties of social welfare schemes.
2007-03-21 12:21 am
You know, "Long recovery," What does that mean? In the darkened room, his left hand holding candles, hand picked up aluminum foil. getting to the nose had been released from the white as long as the toxic fumes in pursuit of the moment happy. Burning heroin at the same time, they have been burning their own lives, until smoke. Dance drama entitled "Chasing after Dragon", describing one of the women from the United Kingdom, in 1966 relocated to Hong Kong. then came the limbo of Kowloon Walled City, where she lives legend, the Walled City is helping drug addicts. reintegration into society. This is a true story. British women Pullinger (Jackie Pullinger) came early in Kowloon Walled City, young people engaged in drug treatment and social relations, established in 1981 and later graduated from St. Stephen's, efforts to organize a social welfare scheme.
2007-03-20 11:21 am
Do you know ' chase the dragon ' what meaning it is? Hold the candle in left hand in the pitch-dark small room, pick up the aluminium foil, release chasing out toxic smoke as dragon with the nostril in right hand, in order to pursue pleased in one quarter. While burning the white powder, they are burning one's own life too, until reducing to flying ashes and smouldering smoke.

" chasing the dragon" by name of dance drama, stated a woman from Britain, came to Hong Kong alone in 1966, come to stockaded village of Kowloon in the area of coming within nobody's jurisdiction at that time, where to begin her life legend, help the addict of the stockaded village of the city to give up taking addictive drugs, return to the society.
This one real people and real events actually, British women Pan clever and tall and erect ( Jackie Pullinger) Early years came to stockaded village of Kowloon, is engaged in the society with teenagers closes to give up taking addictive drugsing, and after establish at 1981 it is holy it inside out can propose person,it is for welfare plan not social not multiple not to devoted to.
2007-03-20 8:01 am
Do you know ' chase the dragon ' what meaning it is? Hold the candle , pick up the aluminium foil in right hand in left hand in the pitch-dark small room, release chasing from the white powder out toxic smoke as dragon with the nostril, it is pleased in one quarter in order to pursue. While burning the white powder, they are burning one's own life too, until reducing to flying ashes and smouldering smoke.

" chasing the dragon" by name of dance drama, stated a woman from Britain, came to Hong Kong alone in 1966, come to stockaded village of Kowloon in the area of coming within nobody's jurisdiction at that time, where to begin her life legend, help the addict of the stockaded village of the city to give up taking addictive drugs , return to the society.
This one real people and real events actually, British women Pan clever to come Kowloon city stockaded village early years while being getting tall and erect, engaged in the society with teenagers closes to give up taking addictive drugsing,and after on establishing holy until 1981 it inside out can propose with person, devoted to doing multiple social welfare plans jointly.
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