Presentation(A Tale Of Two Cities)10marks!

2007-03-20 6:41 am
Please help me to think a good presentation.I want a simple English.I want a presentation which i can present in 3 to 4 minutes..

Remember ! I want a simple english which i can memorize it easily.

回答 (2)

2007-03-22 6:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
可參考一些書評, 加以修改補充, 來作自己的 presentation. 以下的一個是很淺白的:

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens (by BB, 15)
What is this book about? (please don't give away the ending!) This book is about a young girl, reunited with her father after he was released from the Bastille, it's about a man trying to escape from the bad name of his royal family, and of the plain everyday people of France "knitting" the French Revolution.
What did you like about the book? Or, who was your favorite character in the book and why?
My favorite character was Cydney Carton, because I think he represents the true definition of a hero, and he brings hope to all of those who think that since they're not such great people they're life is worth nothing.
Was there anything you didn't like about the story or the writing style?
I think that the book could have been written in like 300 pages instead of the long three books it is written in. Dickens stretches the story too much, which makes it extremely hard for the modern reader such as me to read.


'A Tale Of Two Cities' is probably the finest book Charles Dickens ever wrote, and is a strong contender for the greatest-ever novel written by a British author.

This book shows humanity at its darkest, but also at its most noble. 'A Tale Of Two Cities' makes us think about ourselves, and how we would react in a similar situation. Would we REALLY give up our life for someone we love?

Set in the years before and during the French Revolution, and its vile progeny, 'The Reign Of Terror', 'A Tale Of Two Cities' revolves around Lucie Manette, and the two men after her heart, Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay. The humanity of Dickens was never better expressed than here.

- Paul Rance
2007-03-21 9:11 pm
What do you have to say in your presentation? Do you have to give a response?

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