
2007-03-20 5:40 am
呢個係辯論既題目。 我係反方,但係諗唔到應該點講。
你地有冇o的意見呢? =) 唔該

回答 (2)

2007-03-20 10:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Starbuck should not be set up 在故宮, you may have argument as follow:
1.Logically, it is not a suitable place to eat/drink, try to respect it like a historic musium...how could it be spoil by the strong smell of coffee .......air pollution!

2.Even set up, it don't match with the atmosphere.....it would be a contradition with the building around......ancient and historic building contradit with modern coffee shop? It's rediculius.

3. 故宮 is a nice place to let people/visitor to understand about Chinese culture, not only for foreigner, a lot of chinese people as well.

4. If foreign visitor go to visit 故宮, why not encourage them to try our fine tea....better serve a cup of chinese tea with those fine chinese tea set or dim sum.
2007-03-20 10:07 am

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