Can you help me to translate this into english (10分)

2007-03-20 3:50 am
Fish and chips的歷史
17世紀,英國始有馬鈴薯。在19世紀,吃油炸魚在倫敦和英國東南部變得普遍(狄更斯在《霧都孤兒》一書中提及「炸魚倉庫」) 。而同時,在英國北部,油炸「削塊」馬鈴薯的產業亦被開發。不明何時何地,這兩項被合併成為我們今天知道的炸魚薯條商店產業。第一間炸魚薯條店或許是Joseph Malin於1860年在倫敦開設的。

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2007-03-21 12:10 am
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History of Fish and Chips

Potato starts to growth at around 17th century in England. Until 19th century, fried fish filet has became a very popular food in London as well as the south east part of England. ( It has a mention about the fried filet warehouse in Charlie Dickens's famous novel 'Oliver Twist"). Meanwhile, fried potato industry has also start to develope in northern part of England. Finally, fried fish and potato has integrated and sell together to form the well known fish and chip store nowaday. The first one might be the Joseph Malin which is opened in London at 1860.

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