
2007-03-20 3:21 am
1.Considering the law of conservation of mass, explain how rusted iron can weight more than iron.
2.Classify Bromine, Carbon and Sulphur into gas, liquids or solid at room temperature.

回答 (3)

2007-03-20 3:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Iron react with oxygen to form rust. The mass of iron plus mass of oxygen equal the mass of rust so formed.
2. Bromine -- liquid
Carbon and Sulphur -- solid
2007-03-24 4:12 pm
the earlier answer is better
2007-03-20 3:30 am
The equation of rusting:
Iron reacts with oxygen and water to form crystal which is heavier.
rusted iron can weigh more than iron.

Bromine is gas
Carbon is solid
Sulphur is solid

2007-03-20 19:03:34 補充:
bromine is liquid, not gas

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