How can I earn money in Runescape quickly? (20 points!!!)

2007-03-20 3:10 am
My user is : austinmic-
Now my stauts is:
(I am not a member)

SO HOW CAN I EARN MONEY FASTER!? Can anyone help me!!!!? Please give me suggestions.

回答 (3)

2007-03-20 4:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1)以你既lvl,應該去打cow,cowhides 賣100ea,又可以練埋combat。等lvl 30+ 就可以去殺hill giants,佢地drop 既big bones 同limps 都幾賣得錢。

(2)短線搵快錢,最好就係去world 16 做air runner,順利的話,1個鐘都可以賺到50k (你嚮runescape forum 裡面search 'Fast Free Cash / World 16 Airs' 入去睇吓就明ga 咧)。

(3)長線搵錢就一定要練skill,你可在mining / woodcutting / fishing 中選1樣集中火力操。既然你係non-member 我建議你選mining 或者wc,因為non-member捉lobs 花太多時間在交通上。

(4)但要謹記,短線的收入是固定的,長線則隨著時間skill 升lvl 不停増加。
2009-03-29 3:54 am
my name is raymond li
我有一個 賺錢 website請 click 入去看
2007-03-21 5:17 am
Your strength level is higher than your combat level, so you might want to train your strength by killing cows in Lumbridge, get Strength xp, and get their Cowhides and go World-1 Al-Kharid (Desert) to sell them for 100ea.

At the same time, with your 3 fishing -_-"... Go Lumbridge Swamp (south of Lumbridge), to the fishing tutor, get small fishing net, keep on fishing shrimps till you get 10 fishing. Once you get 10 fishing, if you got money (around 1,000), buy Fishing Baits in Port Sarim, and "Bait Fishing" in the same fishing spot as you're fishing shrimps. If you don't get that money, just continue fishing till you get 20 Fishing =(.
Once you have 20 fishing, go kill a lot of chickens and get a lot of feathers (around 500), you should go either Lumbridge or Barbarian Village to "Lure Fishing", trouts and salmon. Continue "lure fishing" till you get 40 fishing.

After you have 40 Fishing, you have 2 main ways to earn money, but also you can do two at the same time.

1. Cage a lot of lobster (around 1,000), NEVER cook it, go World-1 Varrock West Bank and sell the RAW lobsters for 250ea, that should get you 250k. If you don't feel bored, just continue doing that, for 10k lobster (it will proberly takes you a whole month... -_-"), you will have 2.5M >.< But normally you will bored till death =\

2. Cage some lobsters (around 300), cook them all, you should have at least 150 lobsters avalible to eat (need 40 cooking, so remember to cook your shrimps and fishes while you were training your fishing to 40!), you need some good armor, so you will like to go fish first and get some armor (I would suggest you have 40 Attack/Defence and 72 Strength)), go Wilderness and P.K. (Player Killing). But by doing this to earn money is not very wise because you might get killed either. But if you really got very good strength and hitpoint, you should be able to kill someone at least...

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