填充~What do Chinese do on the New Year Day?

2007-03-20 3:05 am
What do Chinese do on the New Year Day?
It is a time for family togetherness, and this all begins with the "sweeping of the grounds." It is a spring cleaning to sweep out the o___ and e____.

After the spring sweeping comes the bidding of fare well to the K____________ God. This is the god who presides over the home and gives a report back to heaven on the families" behavior. The god returns on New Year"s Day.

回答 (2)

2007-03-21 1:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
What do Chinese do on the New Year Day?

It is a time for family togetherness, and this all begins with the "sweeping of the grounds." It is a spring cleaning to sweep out the (1)old and (2)evil.

After the spring sweeping comes the bidding of farewell to the (3)Kitchen God. This is the god who presides over the home and gives a report back to heaven on the families' behavior. The Kitchen God returns on New Year's Day.

2007-03-25 22:03:36 補充:
2007-03-21 4:38 am
who div. r u in?

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