
2007-03-20 2:42 am

回答 (2)

2007-03-20 2:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Winnie arrives unlicensed young to buy the fish egg, but also has bought five strings! She also is left over nine circles. Winnie as soon as gets the home, but also watched a television, the stomach started the pain, she thought sat down a while to be supposed not that the pain. After three minutes, she still is that the pain, really considers news mother. Mother nicely holds Winnie to the bed on, but also helps to tempt the W quilt, eats the medicine to her, crossed as soon as has met Winnie the condition change for the better. Winnie said that, [ Many thanks you look after me in my side. ] Mother said that, [ Does not use politely. ]
2007-03-20 3:01 am
Winnie brought 5 strings of fishball from a unlicenced vendor. She leave nines dollars.
When she came home, watch a while of TV, she suddendly feel stomachache. 3 mins later, she still feel as painful as before, and tell her mum the whole story honestly. She gently put Winnie to her bed, and cover with blanket, had madication, she feel better after a while. Winnie said: Thank you for you look after. And Mum reply: no worries.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 21:18:54
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