
2007-03-20 2:27 am
vocabulary | English Meaning
1. ??? | dimissed somebody frome th job
2. ??? | person or thing competing with another
3. ??? | asked for something politely
4. ??? | clearly seen and understood
5. ??? | tried very hard to do something
幫我解曼上面d English Meaning,係要英文既vocabulary同埋中文解釋

回答 (2)

2007-03-20 6:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. sack (vt., n.):解僱
2. competitor (n.):競爭者
3. request (vt., n.):請求
4. obvious (a.):顯著的、顯而易見的
5. endeavour (vi., n.):努力
2007-03-20 2:34 am
詞彙量| 英國意思

1.??? | dimissed 某人frome th 工作

2.??? | 人或事競爭與另外

3.??? | 禮貌地請求某事

4.??? | 清楚地被看見的和被瞭解的

5.??? | 非常艱苦設法做某事


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