What is snuff-box?

2007-03-20 2:26 am
What is snuff-box?

回答 (2)

2007-03-20 3:03 am
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英文:a amall, usually decorated, box for holding snuff
參考: 字典(牛津)
2007-03-22 8:04 am
Snuff box
One of the more functional types of decorative boxes is the snuff box, which is now largely a charming relic of the once popular practice of taking snuff. At one time, this tiny decorative but utilitarian box was an indispensable accessory for every man of birth and breeding from the 18th century through the middle of the 19th century.


Artisans, such as the jeweller and the enameller bestowed infinite pains upon this object, which was as much a delicate bijou as a piece of utility. Gentlemen of Quality, fops, and dandies possessed a great variety of snuff-boxes, some of which were quite rich in detail, with frames of gold encased with diamonds. Other boxes were more ordinary. Made with(potato-pulp), the cheapest wood available, they were extensively used.
Other popular materials used in making these boxes include:

Tortoise-shell, a favorite material owing to its satin lustre;
Mother-of-pearl, which was kept in its natural irridescent state, or gilded, or used together with silver; and
Gold boxes, enriched with enamels or set with diamonds or other precious stones.
The lids were often adorned with a portrait, a classical vignette, or a portrait miniature, or by an old master.
Even after snuff-taking ceased to be popular in general, the practice lingered among diplomats. Monarchs retained the habit of bestowing snuff-boxes upon ambassadors and other intermediaries as a form of honor. As Talleyrand explained, the diplomatic corp found a ceremonious pinch to be a useful aid to reflection in a business interview.
We may trace much of modern lavishness in the distribution of decorations to the cessation of snuff-taking. Having a monarch invite one to take a pinch from a his snuff-box was a mark of distinction that was almost equivalent to having one's ear pulled by Napoleon. At the coronation of George IV of England, Messrs. Rundell and Bridge, the court jewellers, were paid £ 8205 for snuff-boxes for foreign ministers.
Today the snuffbox is collected by wealthy amateurs or museums. Some excellent examples command large sums. George, duke of Cambridge (1819-1904), possessed an important collection—After his death a Louis XV gold box was sold at auction for £ 2000.
C_How x Wikipedia
參考: C_How x Wikipedia

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