2007-03-20 2:08 am
Can you tell me more about mass?
I know that mass is usually in Latin and divide into several movements----kyrie, gloria, credo, sanctus and Agnus Dei......etc
However, I read some books. It said that it is no accompainment in the mass.
Is it true?
Moreover, how can I distinguish the baroque, classical or romantic mass?

回答 (4)

2007-03-22 7:34 am
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Can you tell me more about mass?
mass,拉丁文是missa,釋為「彌撒」,意思是「感恩祭」,是天主教的禮儀。missa 這個「名字」取自拉丁文 (好像是 ite missa est),是彌撒完結前、會派遣信眾於一週的生活中活出福音的精神傳統的一句說話。彌撒中的經文會唱出,因此有「彌撒曲」。題目「mass」我猜是指「彌撒曲」而非「彌撒」本身。
I know that mass is usually in Latin and divide into several movements----kyrie, gloria, credo, sanctus and Agnus Dei......etc
禮儀主要分兩部份:聖道禮和聖祭禮。聖道禮之前也有其他禱文等等,包括「垂憐經」kyrie,原因是主耶穌曾要求人「若在獻祭前想起有對不起弟兄的地方,應放下祭品,先與弟兄修好」(瑪5:23-24),然後是「光榮頌」gloria。聆聽聖言後會有講道,然後唸「信經」credo。因著聖經的啟發會有祈禱,稱為「信友禱文」。進入聖祭禮後會有向主的讚美和歡呼「聖聖聖」santus,聖祭禮的祝聖聖體聖血之後會有「羔羊頌」agnus dei。
kyrie, gloria, credo, sanctus and Agnus Dei 這五首曲大致上一年到晚都差唔多,所以較多作曲家以這五首作一組彌撒曲。
However, I read some books. It said that it is no accompainment in the mass.
Is it true?
Moreover, how can I distinguish the baroque, classical or romantic mass?

2007-03-21 23:35:39 補充:
2007-03-20 2:24 am
Here is a brief information:


And here will answer all the questions:

2007-03-20 2:15 am
參考: me
2007-03-20 2:10 am
l can
參考: me

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