MySQL 既數據庫 副檔名係咩, 同有咩方法或軟件將MySQL 轉去access呀?

2007-03-20 12:50 am
MySQL 既數據庫 副檔名係咩, 同有咩方法或軟件將MySQL 轉去access呀?

1. MySQL 既數據庫 副檔名係咩, 係咩 .sql
但我開出黎係很亂, 有咩方法可以方便看d, 例如分了 column

2. 同有咩方法或軟件將MySQL 轉去access呀?

3. PHP+MySQL 數據庫要轉用另一公司 的PHP+MySQL, 係咩就咁upload晒d野就得架? * 而家有ftp中有個 mysql.sock 既file 我無法download, 這是什麼檔案,

回答 (3)

2007-03-21 9:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The file extensions of a MySQL database using the default data engine should be "*.frm" and "*.myd". "*.frm" files store the definition of a table of your database. "*.myd" files store the data. You may also need to backup "*.myi" files which should be the index file.

2. You may consider some database connection driver that supports both database product for converting from MySQL into MS Access. I would consider JDBC or .NET's "System.Data" module.

3. You must clone all the files stored under the "data" folder of your MySQL installation. Such a clone is not always successful, because different hosting company may use different version of MySQL database server. As a safe practice, you need to use the "mysqldump" command. "mysql.sock" is a socket file for local connection from the client to the server on unix's kind OS.
2007-03-20 10:14 pm
2, 你識下 dump 咗個file 出嚟..跟住行個dump file , or 行段sql..
3. 我近排都攪緊呢d嘢..你應該可以成個file zip 出嚟跟住就咁upload上去.佢應該會幫你解zip, 當然,我覺得應該人手一隻一隻咁upload翻上去..穩陣d
mysql.sock ? 未聽過..行能係mysql自己gefile...

我果msn: [email protected]
你用咩free hosting ga?交流下la..
2007-03-20 7:37 am
資料庫好似係一個個資料夾黎= =
1.而資料庫既table檔案副檔名好似係frm office既database好似可以開啟到mysql既table檔案。你可以用佢黎轉存為acces資料庫檔案
3.唔識= =

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