
2007-03-20 12:05 am
1.my self

2.my best friend

3.my school


回答 (3)

2007-03-20 12:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. My self ~~~~~~ Your age , Your name, Your school, your family- Brother, father, sister........ your interest, Your home, your hobbies, your pets, your favourite food, dolls, cartoons , your experience

2. My best friend~~~~~~You and your best friend's common interest, you usually do with her/ him, how you meet her/him, why did you two become friends, what experience make you two become more friend, do you like her??????

3. My School~~~~~~~where is your school , your teacher, your experience, your classroom, the rooms that very special. The way you go to school, do you love your school, what will you do in (a time)...「Such as Eg. I will have my lunch with my best friend in my classroom. That's fun」..............something like that............, why do you like your school =] Hope I can help you!!!!! if you ar not clear you can ask me again!!!!some of the grammar is wrong, plz don't 介意>V
參考: My experience
2007-03-20 1:10 am
做小學英文口頭報吿, 我相信用簡單的文法及 present tense 就可以. 它的目的是想令學生多講英文, 及訓練其 presentation 的技巧。

1.my self
i) 介紹自己的基本資料, 如叫什麼名, 幾歲, 有什麼家人等. if 你的名字是有意思的, 都可以講0下...e.g. flex - 因為mama 喜歡 flex the cat / carmen - 因為中文名叫家敏...
ii) 你的興趣 / 平日喜歡做的事
e.g. reading, swimming, playing piano, etc...
WHY? e.g. because i can learn lots of vocabularies through reading...

iii) 說說你最喜歡的人 / 物 / 日子?
e.g. 你上面說like reading.. 可介紹你最愛的書
最好同上面提及的興趣, 喜好, 有d連繫. 令人感覺連貫些

iv) 將來的夢想, 打算
e.g. 將來想做個作家,... 我希望多介紹有趣的書籍給朋友們, 讓他們能分享到閱讀的樂趣...
2.my best friend

i) 同上一樣, 先介紹自己
然後介紹你好友的基本資料, 如叫什麼名, 幾歲等. if 她/他的名字是有意思的, 都可以講0下

ii) 他的興趣 / 平日喜歡做的事

iii) 說說為什麼他會成為你的好友..
如因你曾在你唔開心的時候, 安慰你.
有共同興趣.. 一齊打波 / 練習....

iv) 感想
很開心能認識他... 希望彼此的友情, 即使到了中學也能 keep 住
3.my school

i) 同上一樣, 先介紹自己的基本資料, 如叫什麼名, 讀邊班, 平日點返學
然後介紹你學校的名稱, 位於哪區

ii) 介紹學校的設施..如有 playground on which floor, art room, computer room..等等

iii) 你最喜歡學校的東西..e.g. 地方, 環境
E.G. I like the school library most, as I love reading. I can find different kinds of books in there.

iv) 感想
e.g. 學校提供了很好的讀書環境給我. 我亦希望將來的學弟妹亦能分享這校園. 所以我會好好珍惜它, 不會做些破壞它的行為
2007-03-20 12:11 am
Me think is 個人經驗和事件

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