唔該轉做英文, 英文功課

2007-03-19 10:51 pm
內容係:::::::::::::::::::各位你好.我想sell比大家ge電影就係<<戰狼300>>,這部電影故事需然過份暴力,但係當你只留意它的制作,你便會睇倒這班電影制作員工對電影ge熱誠,從電腦特技中,令我明白到現今香港的電腦技術水平跟外國ge差距,我想各位同學睇完之後都會有急起直追ge念頭;另外電影中的配樂就更為震撼,簡直令到所有觀眾都置身於戱裹的戰爭世界之中,最適合鐘意欣賞高質音響ge人喇,我就係其中一個咯,嘻!仲有::::::::仲有呀,e部大型ge制作,唔單止係這幾年鮮有ge巨片之一,內容所描述ge一班戰士們,佢地最值得我們所有同學學習ge,就係這班人奮勇向前,不論成敗ge精神,佢地ge信念就好似我們這班同學將要面對ge會考一樣,希望睇完之後大家會考時都可以好似戰狼們一樣,忘我咁發揮自己ge潛力啦~hehe^__^ THX

回答 (2)

2007-03-19 11:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Members Hello. I want to sell movies on the system than we ge "" Battle 300>> wolf. However this film takes the story too much violence, but you can only watch it when the production line, You will see this group of film production down ge dedicated staff of the film, computer graphics, It makes me understand that the present level of computer technology gap with foreign ge. I think you will have to catch up after Diwan ge idea; In addition to the film score even more shocked. It will ensure that viewers are placed in THEled war world, the most suitable person ge La Zhongyi enjoy high quality audio. I would argue one system, laugh! median : : : : : : : : dreadful way, e ge large production Well only one potential blockbuster between ge few years, as a group of soldiers were described ge. All students learn to channel our most ge, it is going to forge forward line, regardless of the success or failure of ge, Drainage to ge the conviction that the class would like us to face ge Examination, We hope that after the HKCEE Diwan war can seem the same as a wolf. Ecstasy 1950s play to their potential, take ~hehe^__^ ge
2007-03-23 7:10 pm

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