
2007-03-19 10:48 pm
我有個朋友拍拖後便重色輕友, 而她自己也事先聲明拍拖後會重色輕友的.

現在的她事事以她男友為先, 還常常要我們這班朋友遷就他 (如我們GATHERING時也不管我們願不願意, 硬想帶他出來 (一堆女人+一個男人...我不太贊成), 又一次他男友時間就不了就叫我們改期, 又她男友怕一個男仔在女人堆, 她叫我也把男友帶出來.

我當然是沒有接納她的請求, 他們就不了時間就不就好了.但還是有些人覺得就一下沒所謂.


只是想問你們有遇過這樣的人嗎? 又怎麼應付?

回答 (2)

2007-03-19 10:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
yes, I have met this type of people...this usually happens to young female....I wanna ask whether your friend's bf is ger puppy love...actually I think this girl will suffer when she treat her friends in this way....if the situation continues, she will probably lose all her friends...because she doesn;t care about her friends' feeling....you don't have to do anything...since it seems she will not listen to your and will not attend friends' gathering...it's useless to get angry with her...she will suffer for how she treat her friends
2007-03-20 12:46 am

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