
2007-03-19 8:40 pm

Mary問 :

回答 (4)

2007-03-20 1:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
你在寫劇本嗎? 讓我試一下, 請勿見怪.

A cloudy day, after a shower, the sun was still shy and only showed half her face out of the clouds.

Susan was sitting on a bench, playing a feather which came from somewhere and landed on her legs.

Suddenly she heard a lovely, sweety voice..." Susan! "

She turned her head and she found Mary, the best friend of her.

While Mary was walking toward her, she felt that there was a warm current running through her body.

At this moment, she really can't help to stood up and shouted " Hey! Mary! I'm here. "

She ran towards Mary with full of happieness.

Mary gave Susan a big hug, both of them burst out of tears.

Mary asked, " Susan.......? "

Susan said, " Everything is alright. After having a walk, I feel better now! I .... decided to repeat..... "

Mary stared on Susan's face and said, " Susan.... are you okay? "

Susan said, " Of course. I feel great, really really great, Mary! " " Tomorrow will be better! "

Mary put her hand on Susan's shoulder and gave a lovely smile, "That's good, Susan"
"Hey! Look! A rainbow is over there. "

Susan looked at the rainbow and smiling, " Yeah! Very beautiful! "
2007-03-26 5:42 am
Suddenly, susan hears a distant place sound, calls:
Under susan listens carefully, originally is her good friend mary.
susan stands, along lives that direction to run, calls happy: < Feeds ﹗ me is to bifurcation ﹗ >
is that quarter, mary and the susan meet.
Mary asy :
mary:< you really are the matter bifurcation? >
susan:< will really be the matter bifurcation ﹗ hope in tomorrow bifurcation ﹗ >
the mary racket pats susan to crumple the head, will smile: < looked on good ﹗ >< according to ﹗ you that, space has a rainbow ﹗ >
a susan pine pine to crumple the head, smiles: < Is ﹗ good dresses up the bifurcation!! >
2007-03-20 3:24 am
Suddenly, susan hears to a distant place sound, calls: Under susan listens carefully, originally is her good friend mary. Susan stands up, along lives that direction to run, happy calls: Is that quarter, mary and susan meets one another. Mary asked that, Susan: Mary: Susan: The mary racket pats susan to crumple the head, smiles: A susan pine pine crumples the head, smiles:
參考: me
2007-03-19 11:49 pm
Suddenly, susan hears to a distant place sound, calls: Under susan listens carefully, originally is her good friend mary. Susan stands up, along lives that direction to run, happy calls: Is that quarter, mary and susan meets one another. Mary asked that, Susan: Mary: Susan: The mary racket pats susan to crumple the head, smiles: A susan pine pine crumples the head, smiles:

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