英文 在職證明

2007-03-19 7:36 pm
有無人有英文的 在職證明呀﹖

係公司發出的證明, 要公司出證明證明呢個人真係呢間公司的職員

回答 (2)

2007-03-19 8:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
See if this version will suit your purpose/


To Whom It May Concern

This is to certify that Mr/Miss XXXX (Hong Kong Identity Card no. A123456(0)) is employed as [position] in this Company and his/her employment contract runs from [Start Date] to [End Date]/his/her employment is on continuous basis. His/Her remuneration is HK$xx,xxx per month on [nn] months per annum basis.

This certification [is issued on request of Mr/Miss xxxx]/[is issued in response to your request dated dd/mm/yyyy] based on his/her record as of [date of certification].

For and on behalf of
[Company name]


[Name of Signatory]
[Position of Signatory]


This format is good for certifying employee service even when the employee is still under employment, whether for fixed term or for continuous (open ended) contracts.

Please pick the correct combination for your situation.
參考: 希望幫到你啦
2007-03-19 7:46 pm
What is your recent post??????, job duties, job responsibibilites, your working attitude, ability, your knowledge etc????????????????

英文 在職證明 should be written by your boss,

for example you are a secretary in my company

19 March 2007

To whom it may concern

This is to certify that Ms SSSS, holder of HKID no. A123456(7), has worked as Secretary for our company from XXXXXXXX to 18 March 2007.

She left the company of her own accord for better prospects and career development. We wish her every success in her future.

K Lau
General Manager

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