
2007-03-19 5:47 pm




回答 (4)

2007-03-19 6:57 pm
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應該唔會個喎! 除非佢地接觸到水份, 就所以會變成一舊舊咁. 如果就咁座溶佢, 都應該一樣咁香咁滑.

如果你用牛奶朱古力及白朱古力, 就其實可以溶左佢就用. 因為呢兩隻可可成份較低, 相對黎講可可脂既成份就較高, 所以溶左之後都唔會太杰, 可以做到sauce. 不過如果你都係嫌太杰, 當然可以溝稀佢. 而黑朱古力溶左就會杰d, 用黎做sauce 亦可能太苦, 所以多數都會溝稀d. 可以加既野有幾種:

- 牛奶/花奶
- 忌廉 (當然肥過牛奶, 不過就滑d creamy d)
- 牛油 (原理係加番多d脂肪, 就會稀d)
- 糖

初初加液體落去個陣, 係會有一舊舊咁, 不過唔駛驚, 當液體加多左, 攬番開就會冇一舊舊.

Chocolate Sauce Recipe

An easy recipe for chocolate sauce for desserts or ice cream.


1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
3/4 cup whipping cream (<---cream 唔駛打起, 即普遍淡忌廉就得)
1 teaspoon vanilla

In a small saucepan over low heat, heat chocolate chips and whipping cream, stirring constantly. Continue to cook, stirring constantly, until chocolate is melted and sauce is smooth. Stir in vanilla.
Serve over dessert or ice cream.
Makes about 1 1/4 cups.


Dark Chocolate Sauce Recipe


2 squares unsweetened chocolate, broken up
1/3 cup water
1/2 cup granulated sugar
3 tablespoons butter, cut in small pieces
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Put chocolate and water in a heavy medium saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring with a rubber spatula until chocolate has melted and blended with water, about 3 to 5 minutes.
Add sugar; continue cooking over low heat, stirring constantly, until sugar is dissolved, about 4 to 5 minutes.

Remove from heat and stir in butter until melted and blended. Stir in vanilla and serve immediately. Makes about 1 cup of chocolate sauce


Orange pancakes with chocolate sauce

For the chocolate sauce
100g/3½oz chocolate
1-2 tbsp double cream

For the chocolate sauce, melt the chocolate in a small pan over a medium heat, adding the cream, to make a pouring consistency.

唔用熱水座都得, 可以用microwave 叮. 我一般都會用中火30秒一次咁叮. 每30秒就攪一攪佢, 直到佢溶. 如果包裝袋有指示就會跟番.

Regal Chocolate Sauce


Prep Time: 5 min
Total Time: 9 min
Makes: 1 cup or 8 servings, 2 Tbsp. each




2 squares BAKER'S Unsweetened Baking Chocolate

1/3 cup water

1/2 cup sugar

3 Tbsp. butter or margarine

1/4 tsp. vanilla

MICROWAVE chocolate and water in large microwaveable bowl on HIGH 1-1/2 min. Stir until chocolate is completely melted.

ADD sugar; mix well. Microwave 3 min. or until sugar is dissolved, stirring after 2 min.

STIR in butter and vanilla until butter is completely melted and mixture is well blended.


另外, 唔用朱古力, 同朱古力粉亦得, 一d都唔肥tim:

Pancake with chocolate sauce
For the chocolate sauce
55g/2oz caster sugar
splash hot water
30g/1¼oz cocoa powder

For the sauce, whisk the sugar, water and cocoa together in a small pan over a gentle heat. Add extra water depending on how thick you require the sauce.
呢度仲有好多chocolate sauce recipes
2007-03-19 6:25 pm
你說的應該是火鍋嗎? 你看這2個比較簡單的是否合你心意 :

Easy Chocolate Fondue
24 oz semisweet chocolate chips (24安士 半甜朱古力 )
1-1/4 C. evaporated milk (1又1/4 杯淡奶)
1/4 C. sugar (1/4杯糖)
2 t. vanilla extract (2茶匙 云呢拿油)
1 T. fruit flavored liqueur (1 湯匙果味酒, 如橙酒)

Chocolate Fondue
12 ounces sweet chocolate, semisweet chocolate chips, or Toblerone chocolate (12安士甜朱古力,半甜朱古力, 或三角朱古力, )
1 cup light cream (1 杯鮮奶油)
1 tsp. vanilla extract (1茶匙 云呢拿油)

先弄碎朱古力, 放入煲內, 加入奶/鮮奶油/糖, 慢火煮溶朱古力, 要邊煮邊攪拌至朱古力漿香滑, 熄火. 下云呢拿油/果味酒拌勻.
2007-03-19 5:52 pm
2007-03-19 5:50 pm
加 D D icing sugar

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