有關emule下載速度一問 ???? 10點 !!!

2007-03-19 9:58 am
我用emule download d file ... 點解咁慢呢 ? 又好唔搵定 , 成日down down下斷左 ...有冇方法解決呢 ?! 咩係sp2 ? 可唔可以附圖解釋一下 ?

十分感激 !

回答 (1)

2007-03-19 3:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
emule, you need to tune the download limit to 500k, and upload limit to 10k
from the GUI... that will help you a lot ...
otherwise, upload is always faster than download
and make your network go to a STOP...
SP2, windows SP2, should not have a lot of effect on EMULE...
UNSTABLE connections are inevitable (cannot be avoided) in EMULE,
because it depends on how many completed resources at one time and become
the source, so if people are sharing, you can download, otherwise, you got nothing
and just keep on waiting....
hope all help

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