Do cats have a sensitive spot?

2007-03-19 5:51 am
When I scratched massaged my cat on her lower back by where her tail is, you know what I mean? Or is it cats in general, Do they meow or get annoyed or something when their being scratched in this particular spot so rough?? If you know what I mean, Hit me up.

回答 (15)

2007-03-19 7:04 am
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Is she speyed? It sounds to me like she might be silent calling, she can get pregnant now. They usually paddle with their back legs when touched near the back end, it means they're ripe for a male. Some speyed females who have been on heat continue to do it though.
2007-03-19 6:01 am
I have 7 cats and all of them have a sweet spot and a forbidden spot. Some sweet spots are base of the tail, under the chin, between the ears, but the strangest is the very tip, and I do mean the very tip of the chin, she loves it. The funniest are the 2 who like it at the base of the tail will lick the air when you scratch there, their little tongues go like crazy!! By the way all of my cats are spayed and neutered!!!!
2007-03-19 6:01 am
Most cats get exited when u pet them on the back by their tail, I had one actually wet herself while i was petting her, NO I AM NOT INTO THAT!!!
Another place that cats like to be pet is behind their ears and under the chin, but not all cats like it. If they get annoyed they will usually let u know by biting u scratching u or running away.
2007-03-19 5:59 am
all cats have it. They have this sensory spot on their backs. One of mine hates it (too much sensation) and the other loves it. You need to find out how your cat likes being petted..
2007-03-20 3:18 am
my cat hates to have her stomach and lower back (near her tail) scratched or rubbed. i can tell when she's getting ready to scratch me or jerk away when her pupils get really big.
2007-03-20 2:13 am
Yes. It is it's rumph(or butt, whatever). Right below there, is where there babys come out, so even if it's neutered, it will still hurt there.
Still got a question? E-mail or IM me. Thanks!
參考: I'm a vet.
2007-03-19 3:43 pm
Yeap the same for my cat. He doesn't want me to mess around with his tail and with his "thighs". He gets annoyed and meows at the same time. Sometimes he rises his front paw to scratch me, shows me his teeth with that awful, spooky sound but he knows that I don't mean any harm and after 2 minutes he's up on my belly again for a nap.... :) :)

I do not know why they are so "touchy" with their tails. Maybe they are too "proud" about it, have u notice how much time it takes in order to clean up the tail???? It takes hours for my cat... Or maybe they react like this simply because they are afraid that we will cut the tail off or something, that they are going to loose it... Who knows?? No matter what they are adorable creatures!!
2007-03-19 11:05 am
for my cat, is her back leg and the hair near her anus

her back leg: she will try to stop me doing that
hair near anus: she will keep getting lower and lower to avoid my touch
2007-03-19 10:30 am
most cats like being rubbed where their tails meet their backs. sum cats hate it, if they might have been teased like that, or hurt.
i find my cats (who are spoiled beyond reason) like having their ears rubbed gently, tickled under their chins, some like their bellied tickled. not all though.
i do a thing where i massage their shoulders. they must be either sitting on their bum or laying on their bellies. then i gently rub their shoulder blades in a circular motion with my thumb on one side and the rest of my fingers on the other. you can do that on their necks and behind their ears too.
my cats start drooling.
2007-03-19 7:31 am
The stomach
參考: My cat hates her stomach rubbed
2007-03-19 6:04 am
just like people, cats will have more sensitive areas on their bodies. most common are at the base of the tale and belly.
2007-03-19 5:54 am
some cats like to be scratched there other hate it, they love to be scratched behind the sholderblades and under the chin
2007-03-19 5:54 am
Yeah I know what you mean, if I touch my cat on his thigh, he bites me! I'm not sure about that spot. I'm sure all cats are different, you may want to ask your vet, he can prolly help more than my advice! LOL
2007-03-19 6:04 am
Umm, I might be wrong on where you are scratching but hear me out..

If you are referring to the spot where the tail meets a cat's backbone then yes, you have found a sensitive spot. This is because all the nerve endings of a cat's tail are attached there and scratching it causes them discomfort.

My cat actually licks herself whenever I do this for a small time. If I had to give a good analogy, it would be the same as if someone tried to rub between your forefinger and thumb. Doesn't feel too good does it? A better way to rub your cat is behind the ears and depending on the cat, the rib and chest region.
參考: JT
2007-03-19 5:55 am
My cats don't like me to rub them on the belly or near the tail. They do meow, sometimes scratch, etc. I think its pretty common.
參考: my kitties

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