relocating for love half way across the globe after 2 months?

2007-03-18 1:52 pm
i fell in love with this wonderful man whilst travelling, he took me home the 1st night, we slept together & he tried but i refused sex. we lost contact for a few days but bumped into each other on street. he moved me from my hostel to his home, we stayed together for a week, i continued on w my travel, he dropped me off at the bus-stop, i asked him to send me all the way, he seemed relutant but did so. i returned after a month, we stayed together for another month & became very much in love with each other, we re always happy & spent in total 1/2 hr each day kissing! tho it felt very alarming when we suspected that i was pregnant he said its very very bad & all my fault. at the same time however, he stood up for me should anyone happens to speak badly of me, he also insist to pay for everything when we go out, and made me presents (including a cute necklace) that costs 1/7 of his monpay, doting? he lives in italy with his mom and i m in australia, should i relocate? thanks 4 helping!!

回答 (4)

2007-03-18 2:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
are you nuts? you were a fling, nothing more. believe me, the last thing he wants is you showing up on his doorstep like some lost kitten. You dont fall in love with someone after a month of vacation sex. you were a good time for him, you didnt get the hint with the whole pregnancy thing?
2007-03-18 1:59 pm
You are giving up everything and move to another country for someone you barely know on a romantic whim.

What is HE giving up for your relationship?

What is going to happen when you get there? What happens if you get there and he wants nothing to do with you? Let me get this right...He was NOT happy when you thought you were pregnant and BLAMED YOU? Hmmmm...

Sounds like you had a 'fairy tale' romance that is not based on anything in reality.

Sorry. Sounds like you are about to make a HUGE mistake.
2007-03-18 1:56 pm
You should spend ALOT more time getting to know this man before you agree to be with him. If it is meant to be, the distance between you will ultimately be nothing.
參考: Been there, done that.
2016-06-06 2:35 pm
*Report after 9 years*
Long story short, things have gone to hell, including domestic violence from him, his mother plus his mother's lover ganging up on me when my money run out & too severely ill to slave around what his mother constantly announced as her house. Ppl reading this, esp. those coming from a background deprived of love, I hope with all my heart that you wont make the same mistake I did.

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