spanish translation..

2007-03-19 6:28 am
" Vuelva usted manana a la misma hora para un examen por escrito " in english is what???

回答 (2)

2007-03-20 3:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
 “Vuelva usted mañana a la misma hora para un examen por escrito”
 “Come back tomorrow at the same time for a writing exam”

“A la misma hora” → “At the same time”

“Examen por escrito” → “Writing exam” → or more specifically, it's an exam made by writing, I mean, not an oral exam... And I'm telling you this just in case there could be a misunderstood or something.

“Please” → “Por favor” → I think I saw it on the answerer before, and I just wanted to let you know about its translation into Spanish.
參考: Have a Nice Day! → ¡Que tengas un Buen Día! ... ^-^
2007-03-19 6:57 am
Please return at the same time tomorrow for a writing exam.

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