
2007-03-19 6:17 am
貓到林中捕鳥,碰到一隻貓頭鷹。貓頭鷹問它:"親愛的大哥,你到哪兒去呀?" "我去林子裏捕鳥吃。"貓答道。 "啊,貓大哥,千萬別傷害我的小孩子。" "你的孩子長的什麼樣,這個你可得讓我知道。" "我的孩子呀,長得最漂亮。" "知道啦。"貓認真地回答,貓頭鷹放心地飛走了。

貓在矮樹叢中找來攏去,鳥巢裏儘是些美麗的小鳥, 貓都怕是貓頭鷹的孩子而沒有下口,最後,發現一群長得 非常難看的小鳥,於是,貓放心地飽餐了一頓。

貓回家的路上,又碰到貓頭鷹。貓說:"你放心吧,我吃的是最醜的鳥。" 貓頭鷹回來一看,它的"漂亮"孩子一個都不見了,窩裏還有幾根貓的鬍鬚。

回答 (2)

2007-03-19 8:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A cat went into the forest to hunt a bird, it met an owl. The owl asked "Where are you heading, my dear brother?" "I'm going to hunt a bird in the forest", the cat replied. "Oh, Mr. Cat, please don't hurt my children." "How does your children look like? I need to know so I won't hurt them." "My children? They're very beautiful." "Got it." The cat replied with a serious tone, then the owl flew away, relieved.

The cat's searching high and low in between the bushes, pretty little birds lying in bird nests, the cat is worried they're the owl's children and wouldn't dare to take a bite. At the end, it spoted a nest of ugly looking birds, remembering what the owl has said about its children, the cat went on and treated himself to a feast.

On its way back, the cat met the owl. The cat said "Don't worry, I ate the most ugly birds." When the owl returned to its nest, its "beautiful" children are all gone, except a few beards fell off from the cat when it was treating himself to the big feast.
2007-03-19 6:21 am
貓到林中捕鳥,碰到一隻貓頭鷹。貓頭鷹問它:"親愛的大哥,你到哪兒去呀?" "我去林子裏捕鳥吃。"貓答道。 "啊,貓大哥,千萬別傷害我的小孩子。" "你的孩子長的什麼樣,這個你可得讓我知道。" "我的孩子呀,長得最漂亮。" "知道啦。"貓認真地回答,貓頭鷹放心地飛走了。

貓在矮樹叢中找來攏去,鳥巢裏儘是些美麗的小鳥, 貓都怕是貓頭鷹的孩子而沒有下口,最後,發現一群長得 非常難看的小鳥,於是,貓放心地飽餐了一頓。

貓回家的路上,又碰到貓頭鷹。貓說:"你放心吧,我吃的是最醜的鳥。" 貓頭鷹回來一看,它的"漂亮"孩子一個都不見了,窩裏還有幾根貓的鬍鬚。

Forest bird to the cat, met an owl. It owls asked : "Dear Brother, Where Quya you? "" I went to the forest bird to eat. "Cat replied. "Ah, the cat Brother, please do not harm my children. "" What's your child. You could have let me know this. "" My children die and look beautiful. "" know, take. "Cat seriously answered. Owls ease draws.

Aishucong cats to pull together, Lane nest full of beautiful birds, cats are afraid of the child is not under the owl population. Finally, the group found that the birds look very ugly, therefore, feel free to manage the cat on the other foot. Cat home on the road, then came owl. Cat said : "Please be assured that I get is the ugliest bird. "

Owls back to have a look, It's "beautiful" child disappeared, the blanket still top cat beard.

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