
2007-03-19 3:40 am
我會在5月中去歐洲,期間有3-4天會去德國,因為時間太短的關係,可能不會去柏林,而會想去Munich(新天鵝堡)、海德堡、Rhine valley。我們18號中午由瑞士進入德國,22號上午返回巴黎。請問點樣plan行程會好一點(節省時間、而又盡去到d景點)?

另外,我地會買eurail select youth pass(3國6天的),因為我唔熟悉德國的交通,想問埋如果以上的行程可以點樣搭會平d又方便點?

回答 (3)

2007-03-29 4:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
18/5 Train to St. Goar (Rhine Valley) - Stay at St. Goar
19/5 Rhin River Boat Trip - [Train] Rothenburg otd - Stay at Rothenburg
20/5 AM: Rothenburg [PM: Romantic Road Bus] Fussen - Stay at Fussen
21/5 AM: 天鵝堡 [Train] Munich
22/5 Munich

2007-03-29 16:03:12 補充:
羅騰堡Rothenburg odt (www.rothenburg.de/d/ISY/index.php?get=121) 公認德國最美麗的城市之一。循著古老城牆漫步,欣賞古樸木造屋,市政廳,市集廣場Marktplatz有玩偶表演。往北走到克林根角堡,聖雅各教堂。往東有白色塔樓的聖馬克教堂St.-Markus-Kirche,往西到城堡花園,順著城牆往東南方走,可參觀玩具博物館Puppen- und Spielzeugmuseum。南走到普雷來因Plonlein廣場。途中經過犯罪博物館Kriminalmuseum加入海德堡, need to skip Rothenburg
2007-03-27 10:03 pm
You have only 3 full days in Germany and you may stay in Munich for these days :
1 day spend in Munich city
1 day to Fussen (新天鵝堡)
1 day to 海德堡
These will not be too rush and you may travel by train.
2007-03-19 10:06 am


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