
2007-03-19 2:45 am
我好鐘意這個故事,,因為故事情節十分緊張刺激!! 我好[純拜]福爾摩斯既才智!
他非常聰明和細心! 很快就能破案! 讓兇手不能再殺害其他人!福爾摩斯真是個英雄!




回答 (4)

2007-03-20 9:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
I like this story very much because its plot is really exciting and enjoyable.
I much admire the ability and intelligence of Sherlock Holmes.
他非常聰明和細心! 很快就能破案! 讓兇手不能再殺害其他人!福爾摩斯真是個英雄!
He was very clever and attentive. So, he could tackle and solve the crime cases very promptly, and prevented the murderers from killing the other people. Holmes was really a hero!

I think at last, Helen could surely stay with her beloved one forever although she had lost all her family members.


Would Holmes be put into the jail because he had indirectly killed Helen’s stepfather?
And, would the police finally believe that Helen’s stepfather was the chief offender of that crime?
2007-03-19 3:06 am
2007-03-19 3:04 am
I like this story very much. It is because the story is very exciting! I really admire Sherlock Holmes' witness! He is very clever and careful!He breaks cases very quickly! So the murderer couldn't kill anyother victims. Sherlock Holmes is really a hero! Although Helen lost all family, certainly she would be with the one she loved forever!
Would Sherlock Holmes be imprisoned? Because he killed Helen's stepfather indirectly!
Would the police believe that Helen's stepfather was the real criminal?
2007-03-19 2:53 am
I like this story very much. It is because the story is very exciting! I really admire Sherlock Holmes' witness! He is very clever and careful!He breaks cases very quickly! So the murderer couldn't kill anyother victims. Sherlock Holmes is really a hero! Although Helen lost all family, certainly she would be with the one she loved forever!
Would Sherlock Holmes be imprisoned? Because he killed Helen's stepfather indirectly!
Would the police believe that Helen's stepfather was the real criminal?
參考: 自己

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