急!!!! external hard drive load唔到...咁點算?

2007-03-19 2:40 am
個hard drive冇lala load 唔到野, 但見到d datas仲係入面, 試過好多部電腦都係咁....
有時就detect唔到, 冇反應, 有時就load到但開唔到出黎....

回答 (1)

2007-03-19 4:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
hmm, it looks like UNSTABLE power supply to the harddisk ...
please make sure you have a stable power supply to the harddisk or
if you are brave enough, or have DIY experience,
it will be great if you can try buying a new USB external housing
and place that HARDDISK inside a new housing and reconnect to your PC.
If it works all ok, meaning the HARDDISK is good, the old housing is bad...
from what you are telling me, it looks like the HARDDISK is good ...
because there is NO WAY you can see the data if the harddisk is good :)
hope the suggestion help, but you need to take risk to isolate the problem
get a friend you know to help out :)

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