有冇人幫倒我 = ="想知邊間長途電話公司打去紐西蘭最平

2007-03-19 1:28 am
想知邊間長途電話公司打去紐西蘭最平 >,< 因為我一星期已經打左好多錢 ,時間仲唔係傾好耐,,請大家幫幫我 = ="

回答 (2)

2007-03-20 4:09 am
✔ 最佳答案



009 可以分時段收費,或者廿四小時劃一收費。1686 就廿四小時劃一收費。所以要睇你多數係咩時候打喇,之後再決定用邊間打囉。
參考: 親戚朋友打電話俾我既經驗 (我住係 Auckland)
2007-03-22 9:40 am
use HGC IDD 0088... if register with cell phone or fixed line using HGC, it costs only $48 per month, for fixed lines with other companies like PCCW, it costs $68 per month. You can call New Zealand FIXED lines any time you want at the fixed price.


It is kind of expensive to call New Zealand mobile phone, i can't remember the exact cost. But they range from $1.5 - $2.0 per min. I think 1597 is the cheapest, i used to use this to call cell phone in NZ. But the connection is not that good. IDD 0080 or 0060 is better.

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