
2007-03-19 12:29 am
peter is watching afootball match on TV . Our dog Max islying under his feet on the floor.


peter is watching a football match on TV . Our dog Max is lying under his feet on the floor.

回答 (2)

2007-03-19 12:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
peter is watching 「a」 football match on TV . Our dog Max 「is」lying under his feet on the floor.
2007-03-19 10:01 pm
Peter is watching a football match on TV. His dog, Max, is lying under his feet on the floor.

2007-03-19 14:08:25 補充:
I think the key problem in the sentence is that you must identify the owner of the dog is belong to Peter ( as mention only in this sentence). Also, we usually put the two comma to seperate the name (Max) since it is only addition information on main subject (the dog)

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 22:28:33
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