請幫我翻譯哩 一些個人問題 謝謝唷^^

2007-03-19 12:01 am

請勿使用翻譯軟體 謝謝唷~^^

回答 (4)

2007-03-20 9:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
My family has been engaged in business. This let me know how to deal with the customers properly since I was young.
Everything is arranged well, neither too much nor inadequate.
I know how to face the customers at the most suitable time, with reaction to very needs and provide the best quality service.
Therefore I become much enthusiastic and have inspiration on service industry.
2007-03-19 2:21 am
The home lets me know to reply with of the customer since the childhood from the business into back, the proper restraint manages properly, knowing and at that time to face customer, responding all needs of customers and attaining the best service quality, then producing great enthusiasm and the ambition to the servicing business. {The home lets me know and replies with of the customer since the childhood from the business into back, the proper restraint manages properly, knowing and at that time and facing customer, responding all needs of customers and attaining the best service quality, then producing great enthusiasm and the ambition to the servicing business. / The home lets me know to reply with of the customer since the childhood from the business into back, the proper restraint manages properly, knowing and at that time to face customer, reaction customer all needs and attain the best service quality, then produce great enthusiasm and the ambition to the servicing business.}
2007-03-19 12:09 am
The family goes into business, let me know how to advance and retreat with replying between the customers since childhood, the sense of propriety is affectedly bashful proper , know how to face customers as soon as possible, reflect all customer's demands and accomplish the best service quality , and then produced greatest zeal and aspiration to the service trade.
2007-03-19 12:07 am
In the family pursues commerce, lets me understand since childhood with customer's between should to the onset and retreat, the discretion acts bashful 得宜, understood the first time faces the customer, responded customer all demands and achieve the best service quality, then produces to service industry greatest is zealous and the aspiration.


收錄日期: 2021-04-29 16:24:19
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