小提琴學習進度 ?

2007-03-18 11:46 pm
I am now learning Violin for 4-5 months. However, my violin teacher teaches 1-2 pieces (each piece has only 3 lines) each lesson (45 mins/per lesson). I always practice at home. I think my learning process is excellent slow.
Anyone can share with me ?

How many pieces your teacher teach at each lesson?

Btw, my following books i am now using :
1. 篠崎小提琴 Book 1
2. Suzuki Violin Book 1
3. ABRSM Scales Grade 1 -5 (beginning to start from Grade 2 scales)

I'm an Adult learner. I spent more than 1 hr to practice (almost 5-6 days per week).


I think my teacher teaches excellent slow. I learn violin at Music Co, not from private tutor. Do i need to change teacher ?


1. Do you think that my teacher teaches excellent slow ? 2. How many Pieces violin teacher teaches in each lesson ?


I felt so frustrated........ no improvement in these 5 months..

回答 (2)

2007-03-26 2:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Suzuki is a very good book. I suggest you may learn Suzuki harder.

Please refer to the first song. Don't just watch it like a "Twickle Twickle Little Star". You may practise that (---- - - / ---- - -). It's great for everyone because the rhytmn is hard and you should pratcise it all until you think that's great enough and all kinds of note is correct.

Also, for a person who just learn for several months. Learning for 1-2 piece is fast already. Although it is 3 line, you may pratise it hardly and hardly.Do you know that I am learning 1 piece for 3 months(it has one page), but I practise that in all the notes.
You should pratise your violin every day. For a starter, 1 hr is enough.

Age is not a problem. Many people learn in 40-50 but they still can work well and they may performance also.

Learning in a music company is not good enough. Private tutor is good because he/she can point your mistake immediately. Teacher is a very serious problem in learning.

參考: A person which have 8 grade violin
2007-03-19 8:33 am
你不需太過心急,篠崎小提琴 Book 1是一本小提琴基本功很好的書,你要知到有好的基本功才對你的日後發展有莫大的幫助的。Suzuki Violin Book 1是一本用很多練習歌曲的書,前者注重弓法、指法的技巧在學習過程中比較沉悶但實際,後者歌曲內容比較普給化容易拉得出歌曲學習過程中不會乏味容易滿足學生教師又快趣有功課交大家happy。


2007-03-20 00:32:05 補充:
或許你跟你呀sir說:"阿sir,我似乎還未完全將握到你所教過我的東西,我想在今期課程完結後暫時停上課一段時間,等我將你所教的練好後再回來跟你上課啦" 看他有何反應,他會否教你多一點。

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