
2007-03-18 11:36 pm

回答 (3)

2007-03-19 12:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
When will Hong Kong start to have General Elections?

2007-03-18 17:11:19 補充:
其實miyoki1029 "When will the general election takes place?" 係講得無錯. (如果要正確文法: takes 應無s) 不過譯得唔夠貼切同埋漏左香港。"When will the general election takes place?" 好似講緊香港已經有普選﹐只係問下幾月幾號。但發問者係問"幾時先有"﹐所以加"start to have" 會問得清楚D。
參考: myself
2007-03-23 4:44 am
香港幾時先有普選 When does Hong Kong first have the general election
2007-03-19 3:15 am
When will Hong Kong have universal suffrage?

說到普選,我見SCMP只用universal suffrage.

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