
2007-03-18 6:18 pm
咁我想轉番個hdd入本身部機果陣,佢就開唔到window,仲彈個藍色畫面,叫我check個hdd,chkdsk /f....之後我轉機check過冇問題.但唔知點解都係唔得

我想問係咩問題????係咪個window撞左???我部機本身window xp home edition 2003,我轉個部就係window xp home edition 2002,

回答 (1)

2007-03-21 5:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Ok, the reason is that Windows XP does not allow you do recovery in one computer and transfer it to another computer ... that is an extra security check so you have to REINSTALL windows XP from scratch in the original PC ...
if the harddisk is not the problem, get all the data inside it from the 2nd PC ...
and just reformat it and keep it clean,
then put it back to the 1st PC, and get a WindowsXP installation disk or recovery disk and start from scratch again.
hope it helps

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